Take A Tour
God has blessed us with 67 acres that radiate His goodness and His glory. From the gentle light of the morning to the blazing sunsets to the expansive galaxies at night, this mountainside continuously witnesses God’s splendor.
Come visit us and be refreshed and healed in His Presence.
Our monastery is devoted to Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Benedictine Monastery of Hawaii Summer 2020:
Late Afternoon Benedictine Monastery Oahu:
Peaceful Morning at Benedictine Monastery:
Located in the main Pavilion is our Chapel, refectory, kitchen, and bookstore.
The Chapel is where we gather for Mass and to chant the Psalms three times each day.
Outside the Pavilion is the lanai where we enjoy nourishing conversations and quiet reflection.
Come browse our bookstore and gift shop.
The upper building houses six guest rooms. We invite you to stay with us for a retreat.
From our guest rooms, you can enjoy spectacular views of the ocean.
Savor quiet time with God in one of our guest rooms.
Follow the path that leads to the Stations of the Cross.
Enter into Our Lord's Passion as you meditate on His sufferings while walking the Stations of the Cross.
At the end of the Stations you can speak with Our Lady in a peaceful grotto dedicated to her.
Beyond Our Lady's Grotto you will find a one-mile trail that leads up the mountain to the Cross.
Our orchard includes avocado, mango, citrus, and bread fruit trees.
The bees pollinate our fruit trees and provide fresh honey.
In the midst of our Ora et Labora, Pua and Ilima remind us of the importance of play.
The grounds are radiant with a kaleidoscope of color.
The peacocks love to show off their brilliant colors too.
A quick tour of Benedictine Monastery of Hawaii March 08 2020:
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