
At this time we are only able to offer overnight accommodations to those discerning a vocation to our religious community. 


We welcome anyone who would like to come for a day retreat though!


“Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest for a while.”
Mark 6:31

As with the apostles, Jesus knows that our lives are busy. But our God is a God of rest. He generously gives us the sabbath every week. He assures us that “In returning and rest you shall be saved.” (Isaiah 30:15) And he beckons us: “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Throughout the Scriptures the Lord is inviting us, even cajoling us, to rest. Through continual renewal we are able to live our daily lives with energy and joy. In the Gospels we see Jesus regularly slipping away to spend time alone with his Father. If Jesus needed this time of renewal, how much more do we need it! In rest we are restored and we are reminded that God is the one in control. By ceasing our activity we are able to witness how our loving Father “pours gifts on his beloved while they slumber.” (Psalm 127:2)

Monasteries are places where the divine rhythm of work, prayer, and rest resonates with the heart in such a way that the human person is realigned and renewed. In this gentle rhythm we can hear the Father calling our name and reminding us who we are, reminding us that we are loved beyond imagining. 

We invite you to come spend some time with God. Please contact Sr. CC for our availability.
